Comment to 'Molasses '
Comment to Molasses
  • Recharge kicks butt!!     I see the price has skyrocketed.  Glad I got mine awhile back….  Before the big inflation of prices.        I have used it at first transplant  , into the next size container.  Then if something didn’t look just perfect.  A little shot…   Would give another at final transplant into the ground.   And maybe one later for good measure.   lol.  
    It was here that a member from way back talked about it so highly.    Said it literally fixed sick plants overnight.  
    So this is the second season I have not planted.   Just don’t need stash.  Soon tho I will get moving again . 
    I decided on  3 large raised beds of OD veggies.    And I noticed this spring my cukes  and beans were showing a possible signs of calcium deficiency.   So ..of course I’m off to my tote of goodies and mix up a few gallons of recharge and a dose of calcium.   And they straighten right up.  …  I’m thankful I retained some good info from people that are still here and those that I have not heard from in ages.    Have a good weekend  Hulk.  Good to see your still growing …. 😮‍💨😮‍💨



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    • Thanks smiley that’s good to know about the recharge a friend of mine swears by it as well. Glad you’re getting back into the swing of things. Have a great day.

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