Comment to 'Molasses '
Comment to Molasses
  • Molasses feeds microbes. If you're growin organically it helps .Not so much with synthetics. 1 tablespoon a gal should be fine. Here's a little info on molasses use...Just wanting to hear everyone’s opinion on brix levels of cannabis flowers. We used to actively measure and monitor the sugar content of veggies as it was a direct link to flavor and sweetness of fruits/veggies. I've heard some talk about it for cannabis, but not sure if its a metric that its important to measure or try and increase. I've also heard that people add molasses to their feed schedule in hopes of making the flower sweeter. However, there is a slight misconception of what the molasses actually contributes. Yes, molasses is a sweetener with a high sugar content. But the crop does not increase in sugar content by assimilating the sugar provided by the molasses. But rather, it provides both potassium and phosporous which are important precursors in the synthesis of carbohydrates. For soil based growers, molasses can provide essential sugar as a food source for the soil microbes as well as provide amino acids and micronutrients, thus improving the overall health of the soil biome. Healthier soil = healthier plants = higher productivity.

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    • Thanks Chubbs, it’s probably like cal mag big window of feeding ml’s per gallon. They seem to love it so far. 

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