Comment to 'New Beans Arrived '
  • How is it going BigSarge! Look forward to your grow!

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    • Doing good over here Cake!!  Ran 6 autos on some dynagrow nutes to take a break from getting my ass kicked w the organics.  They turned out top notch.  Running a trio of Amnesia Haze autos right now about 3 weeks in and they are boosting.  

      I’ll put up some more posts as things progress.  Started some exciting paperwork today and hopefully everything goes to plan. 

      hope everyone has a great day!!

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      • Wish you the best in your endeavors! Getting a little bored with the autos , I am starting a new charter with photos in dwc.

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        • Thank you Sir!!  Can’t wait to see what you do with the photos!!!💪💪

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