2 grows ago I reluctantly switched from HID's to LED's, I got none of the benefits I made the switch for, less heat and lower electric bill didnt happen but much to my surprise I get a better yeild and buds the buds are harder, plus I saved a ton of money by switching to GIECO,
I dont think plants give a damn about watts but it is a combo of everyting and timing. I have seen some really nice grow with CFL's & T5's but they were from great growers.
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I had a friend in KY that sold custom gadgets for Bow's, sighting, trigger release, etc. He would go to shows and put 5 out of 5 arrows in a beer can at a range I couldnt have done with open sites on a rifle, people snatched those things up but what they didnt know is he could do the same thing without any gizmos. I think LED's are a lot like that and some of the growers that have the top shelf lights could probably do just as well with really strong flashlight. lol
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