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GPS Gelazzi

so as i mentioned the other day, i grabbed a 12 pack of Gelizza Fem from GPS for low price of $9.60 and i was happy with that..so this morning at about 6am i logged into GPS for a looksie and the Gelizza was down to 9.60 again and i was watchin a lil while and it dropped to 8.64 a pack an no one grabbed it...so i was lookin at some other sites as i was watchin tv an then i looked agin at Gelizzza and it was $7.78 for a 12 pack so my finger hit the Add to Cart button an taaaaaaaaa daaaaaaaaa i now have 2 packs ...lol...i can give a pack to my neighbor for some work he does for me next year..ive been giving him seeds for several years...i asked him the other day how his garden did this year an he said well it was pretty good.. he sed he got about 2 1/2 lbs.. he sed that will last him a while...lol ..i dunno if he sells any er what..

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Comments (4)
    • Gelizza is a mix of Animal Cookies and Gelato.. should be some good smoke...added to my  beanz collection

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      • Yea I feel him 2 q/2 lb would hold me a week or two LMAO 

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        • Are you a trading kind of man CHAs?.Have you seen their 2 new releases yet he uses the Dante Inferno in a lot of his varieties doesn't he..Dang can get a 12 pack of most of his varieties for less than what was paying RQas for 1 seed Barney's Farm also.Glad you guys turned me on to them

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          • i havnt seen him actually put out any of the new new stuff, but id guess he prolly will any time.. maybe over turkey day..yeah if ya wait till right time u can get em pretty cheap! ive traded a few times but not at the moment

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