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Soil Test... post harvest

I had noticed a Ca deficiency in many of my OD plants this year, so after harvest I sent a soil sample in to the University of Missouri for analysis. The test pointed out not a Ca deficiency, even though I had plenty of Ca in the media. But a  K toxicity, that was not only locking out Ca, but the micronutrients as well. The first two numbers listed on the results after the nutrient are the averages, and the last number is my soils number. K was 420ppm almost 200 ppm's above average!!   Morale of the story, be careful with bloom boosters ! Peace  

Tests Units Desired

Range Results Interpretation
Low Desired High

pH 6.5 - 7.4 6.83 X
Soluble Salts (E. C.) mmho/cm 2.0 - 3.5 2.38 X
Phosphorus (P) ppm 6.0 - 10.0 14 X
Potassium (K) ppm 150 - 249 420 X
Calcium (Ca) ppm 200 + 212 X
Magnesium (Mg) ppm 70 + 95 X
Zinc (Zn) ppm 0.229
Iron (Fe) ppm 0.263
Manganese (Mn) ppm 0.011
Copper (Cu) ppm 0.053
Nitrate-N (NO 3 -N) ppm 29.9
Ammonium-N (NH 4 -N) ppm 0.564
Carbon (C) %
Nitrogen (N) %
C/N ratio
Moisture Percentage %
Total Solid

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Comments (3)
    • Chubby what ever the problem was it was not to severe.Thosevare some trees you got there.aint it amazing from that little biddy seed to that

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      • Yes it is !

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        • Very interesting, at least you know what the issue is in the end.  Is it expensive to have them check the soil?

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