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Are you able to freeze bud and what effect will it have, good or bad ?

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Comments (2)

    • Yes, you can freeze cannabis, but there are some important considerations to keep in mind...

      Simple steps :

      1 Before freezing, make sure the cannabis is properly dried and cured as excess moisture can lead to mold growth during freezing
      2 Place the dried cannabis in airtight, vacuum-sealed bags or containers
      3 Freeze cannabis in smaller manageable portions
      4 Maintain a consistent temperature in your freezer as fluctuating temperatures can cause trichomes (the resinous glands containing cannabinoids) to become brittle and break
      5 If you're planning to store cannabis for an extended period, consider using a deep freeze with a constant temperature of around -18°C (0°F)

      And offfcourse avoid handling the cannabis excessively while it's frozen as trichomes can become brittle


      *edit* The opinions in the cannabis world are divided when it comes to freezing, but i know many people who do and are satisfied with the outcome

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      • That’s great, many thanks for your advice 

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