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Durban poison

any one grown Durban poison ??  did not expect this thing 2 jump up over night fimmed it slowed down for 2 days .... going 2 put her n a cage and just b 4 going 12/12 super cropped .... thanks nirvana seeds ...  cool   

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Comments (3)
    • it is a sativa, King. 

      best ones seem to kick on the tall genes. 😄👍

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      • I have and agree with Mark, they are stretchy...and yep they are mostly sativa...

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        • i grew one once in my side projects back in 2019...i have some reg seeds and only popped one seed and got a male..  i dusted several strains with it that time, but havnt tried those new mixes out yet..  Durban Poison is mixed in a lot of strains out there now days

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