Strawberry Cheesecake Autoflower

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Comments (4)
    • Nice job Greg girls looking that Chevelle going is it gonna be a driver or drag car.its about this time of year I miss up there.smallmouth bass fishing in the Licking you remember the big floods of 97-98 I was living in Falmouth then saw a two story house floating in river.WILD

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      • Thanks, the Chevelle is a driver, going slow right now. My wife just had knee replacement so I have been helping her get through this recovery. I don’t remember the flood, but anymore we see flooding a lot. I’m ready for some night time smallmouth fishing.

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      • SanBoisRedux  SBL got a knee replacement...After I saw that sht after he had it done I was like, oh man don't think I'll be having that sht done...Was nasty looking to me...I'm a big puss when it comes to getting cut up...Nice plant...It's sprinkled a couple days out of the last 6 weeks  here it is crispy here and no rain in site...

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        • Yeah it is not a pretty scar and my wife said she would not do it again. Very painful, but I but she will change her mind once she is able to get around again without pain. 

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