Here are my plants...

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Comments (3)
    • yeah need some perlite mixed into that soil for one thing...make sure there plot ur gonna put em at has nice composte and come perlite mixed in..others will chime in with more opinionz too

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      • like ChAs said perlite mix some of your plante r 2 deep in the pots what PH r u using soil 6.3 thru 6.8 need 2 know what nutes if any u r using what amount of time do they have full sun if any ?  how often do u water do u water 2 run off ???????  happy happy

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        • I am not a fan of the plastic pots! Imo they are root issues just waiting to happen. My opinion is if you are not going to plant your plants in the ground cloth pots would be my recommendation. 

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