Nirvana Skywalker OG week 6 1/2 ?

better camera...

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Comments (3)
    • nice, more frost and looks great!

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      • i just hope they'll fatten up some , the end is near as of today ,water + molasses only .

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        • I have been meaning to pop my 5 Skywalker OGs for a while now but haven't got to them yet. Always seems I run across a pack I want to grow before I get to them. I think they will be in my next run. I have Eleven Roses coming up first though. That is a strain that I have wanted to try since the hype on here when pipeman69 grew it last year. I got some flowers from a dispensary and I really liked it. I got my beans in and will be popping them as soon as I am a week or 2 out from having the space in my veg area! Your flowers look great!! Skywalker OG is suppose to be a high THC strain. Keep us updated on how it finishes out for you please! Thanks for the share! Have fun and enjoy my friend!!

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