Comment to 'Molasses?'
Comment to Molasses?
  • What up Big J, Molasses is the least of your worries bruh, especially if your gunna go OD . First thing to do is get those seedlings MORE support, more light (t-5's) work real good, or partial sunlight. Your goal is to beef up those plants, as much as possible, before they go in the ground, or pots or whatever !!!he,he,he There's a LOT of variables that you will have to deal with in the next 2-3 weeks. Seedlings by far, are the most vulnerable stage in growing weed. Make sure to get your photoperiod right too. If you screw the photoperiod up when transplanting, the plant can freakout and set you back a few weeks ! Don't overfertilize it either...he,he,he Peace Oh yeah molasses at 1/2 teaspoon/gal .... 

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