Comment to 'Avrora indica- The best variety for me! '
  • Sweet! I have 5 of those that I want to start next....I'm curios as to why you say its the best variety for you?? I ordered them because of the comments made about it being a variety favorite for medical users such as me.

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    • I'm on the recommendation of Nirvana. And here many spoke very well of this variety. And when I raised him, I was delighted with the condition that Aurora gives me. My phenotype does not have a strong stone, but the peace and relaxation that it gives, just I really like. 


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      • Thanks! That's why I asked. I'm sturggling with a few issies that cause me a good deal of anxiety and stress. I also sleep lousy and can't get my mind to shut down at bed time.

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        • I'm pretty much the same. For this reason, I smoke it in the evening before going to bed. I start reading or watching something and fall asleep well. From sativa on the contrary, for a long time I can not calm the brain, sometimes until dawnI'm pretty much the same. For this reason, I smoke it in the evening before going to bed. I start reading or watching something and fall asleep well. From sativa on the contrary, for a long time I can not calm the brain, sometimes until dawn. 

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