Comment to 'BT for cannabis buds'
  • Good info on BT. I had the opportunity to watch moths fly to and from the plants. They normally fly to the highest point to lay the eggs. They sort of move like grasshoppers in that they fly 10 to 15 feet at a time. Nobody wants to put anything on their bud so you stop them before they get to it. 

    Start spraying a strong product with residual action around the perimeter of your garden around the middle of June. Back off 10 feet all the way around and make sure your band is wide...20ft if you can. 

    I'm not recommending but I will tell you that I use a product that contains also controls grasshoppers and I don't let it get close to my garden. Keep your spray low, no wind, and wear your best mask. A lot of work but it's crop insurance. 

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