Comment to 'PH '
Comment to PH
  • PH can definitely be experimented with. TBS... I loved Sub and CPW's take on this subject ! I've grown a shitload strains maybe 200 plus, and honestly I never really tried to match a strain to a certain PH . I would tend to think that Cannabis needs it's PH to be within a certain range, and not that specific, to where it would matter. That is just my opinion . I almost forgot, your waters PH is important, but like SUB mentioned, the PH of your substrate is just as or more important. It can be a balancing act between the two. 

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    • I came back to read your replies again because I got the one off again and I like what your throwing down about the soil ph and I also believe I have not been drifting it far enough one way or another I could also write down each time exactly what ph I set the last feed at.

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