Comment to 'GMO Autos'
Comment to GMO Autos
  • Just my take( i grew them for a couple years). I grew them just like photos lol. The only difference I see is autos tend to have larfey flowers and really not as potent as my photos. Creme de la chem by mephisto would be the only auto I would grow again. This strain would eat the kitchen sink if I threw it in there. Mainly I grew the autos that breeders like Mephisto just specialize in autos. The genetics were tight. Some breeders not so tight . Would love to see your progress. I tried the light feedings and fell into trouble early on with them so I threw the books away  and treated them like photos minus the light schedule and I went to my flowering feedings around week 4 any where from week 3 to 5 you should see signs she is flowering.. The Autoflower Network is a good place to get feed back from some dedicated auto growers. 

    If I can stress enough the light feedings got me into trouble with no time for rebound. Yellowing leaves etc. IMO they grow so fast why would you feed them a light diet. 

    Take into account that I grow in dwc not soil so I can feed at higher rates without salt build up (synthetic fertilizers) When I go too high or too low my ph becomes a chasing game lol

    You can grow lol you got this.

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