Comment to 'Here we go again'
Comment to Here we go again
  • Just so you know Vince even if you had more room you would probably still be saying same thing. Ask me how I know? Only people that know I grow are family and couple close friends who grow there own but the family thing started with wife’s mom and dad then my mom now it’s her aunt and uncles and everyone is over 60 but most have cut a lot or all there medications related to pain instead smoke what I grow. I don’t mind because when I need help like when my light started going they bought a new light so it comes full circle. To grow for yourself is very rewarding but seeing others you care fire getting benefits and enjoying what u made is almost like a drug itself.

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    • yeah i started n the closet then one tent then two tents then three tents then no more room n the room !!! u better look out ever one will know how nice u r but i all ready knew that my friend ...

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      • Thanks king just suppressed me how much grass they can mow down at that age. It’s inspiring.

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