Comment to 'Potted up and happy ✌️👌'
  • Hahaha, rest assured it's not a scam, if you are signed up for our newsletter. You can find your mention in our weekly newsletter on; Tue 8/17/2021.

    We usually post it on Weedportal too. Duo to some issues, the posts did not fire. I apologize for this confusion.

    You can contact me at ,and I will hook you up with a free pack of seeds of your choosing!

    If you still feel like it's sketchy, you can ignore this message :)

    0 0 0 0 0 0
    • No no sorry Rex!. Someone hit me up few days ago for free seeds, first thought was another scam lol my bad. Damn wish I would of seen this earlier...I’ll definitely hit you up tho!. Appreciate it 


      0 0 0 0 0 0
      • That website is doing 404 not found stuff. How else can I contact?. 
        Im signed up for newsletter now, lemme know Rex✌️

        0 0 0 0 0 0
        • Hey North, my bad a comma sneaked in the link.

          This one should work

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