@Rick since I still cannot personal message. I’m putting it out there. 1st thank you for your service. I’m a firm supporter our or US veterans. Always have been, always will be ... It’s what I do quietly with no thank you needed. Send packages , donate money, and help raise funds... 2nd , Wow !!! what a video. Didn’t know it would be such a emotional thing for me this morning . This video needs to be seen. Married many years and then widowed
I met my soulmate . A Vietnam vet . He was there in the jungles when they were spraying agent orange right on top of him. We only had 4 years together . The horrors he lives through are unspeakable. He died of lung cancer. I’m still angry. On a lighter note. Have you .... our any other WP members heard of “ Nine line .com” ?? It’s a apparel store owned by veterans. They also give a military discount. If you scroll to bottom of pages and open up the Nine line Foundation.org” a 501C there currently working on building another village of tiny homes in Brunswick GA called “Golden Isles Veteran’s Village” Supportive housing and MORE for our homeless vets. Just thought I’d share. I Love the clothing !! American made........ check it out!!!0 0 0 0 0 0 0